Sunday, February 25, 2018

Birthright - Dramatis Personae


The half-orc A'Sharad finds no kinship to either man or orc, and struggles to find his place in the world. He is exploring the world for the first time since he was taken in as a newborn by the Brotherhood of the Scorched Palm. Generally quiet, calm, patient and empathetic; he finds his voice in combat as he fights with a sense of style that incorporates graceful, yet aggressive, acrobatics, intimidating taunts, and flourishes of theatrics one would not expect from a half-orc of his size.


A Khinasi knight from the Kingdom of Ariya.

Miss Winifred

A halfling bard of endless mirth and diminutive stature.


A sorceress from the desert kingdom of Ariya.


Isael is an Anuirean of noble birth. As a brash and fearless youth he had dreams of a life as a warrior, leading armies, conquering invaders, and, with a little luck, dying on a battlefield surrounded by the bodies of his fallen enemies. Fate, and his strict family had other plans for him, however, and his hopes were dashed when he was unceremoniously informed that he would be joining the clergy. Isael was devastated. He’d never had much use for the spiritual, and couldn’t imagine how he was going to survive such a mundane and uninteresting life lighting candles and swinging those incense balls and other unbearably boring stuff like that. Luckily his father took pity and introduced young Isael to the church of Cuiraécen. His life was changed forever. The clergy of the god of battle taught Isael how to harness all his uncontrolled aggression and energy. They taught him control and mastery of arms, yet let him keep the reckless courage he’d always prided himself in. They taught him how to use the power of Cuiraécen to heal, and fight, enhance his martial ability, and those of his companions. He was no longer a loud-mouthed kid fighting for his own stubborn pride, he was a sharply-honed instrument of war fighting for the glory of Cuiraécen.
There would be no swinging incense balls for Isael, he was born for battle, and now he was literally worshiping at it’s altar. Time to go out and spread the good word.